

You are now a landowner, now what?

You are looking for land, now what?

If you own land, you are the developer. What we offer each of our customers (Land of the Free Family) is an opportunity to conquer limitations, open up possibilities, and support your bravery for charting new territory. As much as we have valuable information, you are in charge. You are the leader in this quest to build, create, and live freely. We suggest you get a land journal, email County with questions, and become a little detective with your ideas. If you need every detail explained or have 100 questions and you don’t have time to research- please hire a zoning/planning expert or an attorney.

You have two choices: 1.) Buy land that you fall in love with and get on the ball with your due diligence, communicating with County, asking questions, getting creative, staying flexible, and make your dreams work. 2.) Buy land after you decide what you want to do with it and how it’s going to work.

If you get land that’s in the middle of nowhere, don’t expect perfect roads, electricity, septic, and city water.

Please do us all a favor- every living thing on this planet- and consider your septic as a priority. Fines up to $200,000 are to be expected if you’re contaminating ground water, soil, or bodies of water.

In addition to septic, consider all your other waste and trash. Is your property set up for trash haul? Where do you throw away paint cans, batteries, light bulbs, plastic bottles, and other items? Do you know what to put in a burn barrel? Are there no burn days where you live?

Most properties you can camp on for 2 weeks- sometimes more. After that, you can apply for a camping permit that lasts up to one year.

Always double check with the county if the property you are buying has back taxes or liens. Even we make mistakes sometimes. Fun fact, when you pay the yearly taxes on a property, the bill doesn’t always include tax liens, which is why it’s a good idea to just double check. If you buy a property from us and we missed this- please let us know and we’ll gladly pay it off.

Water can be delivered, hauled, stored, and provided in many ways. Charcoal is something you might want to know about. Here’s a video we like: https://youtu.be/tgF0o9n_Sn4?feature=shared

Do you want a home that’s ready to be delivered nationwide that comes with permits and is built in the USA? Click on this link for information. Tiny Homes | Idea’l Tinys | Arizona (idealtinys.com)

Zoning can be changed. Properties can be sub-divided. Know where your legal access roads are to get to your land. Get thick skin and be prepared for the “you cant’s” so you can work around and with them. Understand private property laws. Know the difference between flood plain and flood zone.

Buying land can be fun and challenging! Remember to ride that balance between knowing everything and having faith. Be responsible and have fun!

DiTina and the Team