Survey, Plot Maps, and Dimension Calculator.

Survey, Plot Maps, and Dimension Calculator.

You bought land, do you know where it is?

How big is it?

What is an acre?

Can you drive through private property to get to your land?

Hopefully we can guide you through and to these answers…

Super easy link that shows feet and acres: Acreage Dimensions Calculator

An acre is the size of a football field. Most city blocks with a 1500 square foot home, garage, and a pool are on .20 acre lots.

Google maps, google earth, and phone maps have GPS coordinates within them. Look for something that looks like this: 36.456789, -113.87622. You can then copy and paste that into any map or app and find the location. Do not rely on city maps to guide you in the middle of nowhere. Head to the app store and purchase Regrid, LandID, or any off-road app- think Recon. Think like you’re on a mission! You’ll need to plan, prep, study, and know how to navigate in case you lose WiFi.

Hire a professional surveyor! Do you want to invest in your homestead, only to find you did it on your neighbor’s property? Please know what you are doing before you start building, carving a road, or putting up a fence. If you are experienced, you can find old stakes and surveys and get close enough with your boundaries. The GPS and maps we give you are estimates to the center of your land. We also give you a parcel/APN number.

You can find out a lot about a property on GIS websites or doing due diligence with all the information we give you. However, you are responsible for ensuring you are on your own property.

And some information you might need/want:

We suggest you get a land journal, email County with questions, and become a little detective with your ideas. If you need every detail explained or you don’t have time to research- please hire a zoning/planning expert or an attorney.

If you get land that’s in the middle of nowhere, don’t expect perfect roads, electricity, septic, and city water.

Water can be delivered, hauled, stored, and provided in many ways. Charcoal is something you might want to know about. Here’s a video we like:

Do you want a home that’s ready to be delivered nationwide that comes with permits and is built in the USA? Click on this link for information. Tiny Homes | Idea’l Tinys | Arizona (

Zoning can be changed. Properties can be sub-divided. Know where your legal access roads are to get to your land. Get thick skin and be prepared for the “you cant’s” so you can work around and with them. Understand private property laws. Know the difference between flood plain and flood zone.

Buying land can be fun and challenging! Remember to ride that balance between knowing everything and having faith. Be responsible and have fun!